David D. Reynolds
There is a Simple and Direct way to approach the Bible. Just read it and understand it in a straightforward fashion as you might other books. Portions can be difficult because an eternal God condescending to frail, temporal people things concerning Himself can be difficult. How we choose to approach these will either help or hinder. Choose wisely.
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Revelation Series Book One
A Living Commentary
Follows Sandy as she finds herself entering the narrative found in the Book of Revelation known as The Tribulation.

Prophecy: From Now On... enjoyed a good run on the Amazon Bestseller List in it's category. It is a non-fiction 450 page book that lays the groundwork for understanding eschatology, the doctrine concerning End Times. This volume is now in its Second Edition with color graphics as an eBook and Hardbound. ePub HERE.

SHIFT is a Christian paranormal suspense about a small girl in a coastal bedroom community in southern California who finds herself trapped with her sitter and a little dog transported out of place by a government experiment gone wrong at a local military base where only angels and demons dwell, running out of warmth...*whew* Oh, and air. (see what I did there?)
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
1 Corinthians 1:18