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Date Setting

In most circles, go ahead and make a guess as to the season wherein you have high hopes for the rapture and see what happens. To do so is a sure way to watch someone's hair light on fire. True, there are those on one extreme end who will go through mathematical gymnastics the likes of which would make Lou Costello proud. (Those who have seen that old less-popular than Who's On First skit will know what I mean and chuckle).

I venture to say, however, that most of you are on the other extreme. Extreme? Yes, that's right. Ready to scream "heresy" in a shrill voice and point with your hair on fire. To be fair, for most of you, it's probably not your fault. You have inherited it.

When his disciples asked Jesus he time of "the end of the age" he offered myriad signs and events. As well, he castigated those who could read the signs and predict the weather, yet not understand the signs of the coming of the Son of Man. But the one significant take-away for the modern era Christian is, "No man knows the day or the hour!" And that is all they take away from the whole discussion, ignoring the signs of which Jesus spoke. And, of course, that means don't dare even think about taking a guess or waste time watching for signs. That's like voodoo!

But is it wrong to guess, watch, study scriptures with a view to understanding the signs of the end and of his coming? For most it is. Stop reading, shut this down and walk away. Plug your ears, "Lalalalalala...."

The phrase No Man Knows The Day.... is a Hebraism that the disciples well enough understood that they did not ask for clarification. The phrase, the disciples knew, was two-fold. In the ancient wedding tradition when a bridegroom and bride were betrothed, the couple did not get married and go rent a modest apartment someplace. In those days, the son would build a room addition to his father's house during this "engagement" period.

It was understood it would take about a full year to accomplish this task after which time the son would ask his father to inspect his handywork. If it passes the father's critical eye, he tells his son to go fetch his bride.

The bride and her wedding party knew the season. They knew well enough that the bride's trousseau was prepared, her dress was clean and white and laid out in preparation. As well, the "virgins" (bride's maids) were outside with lamp and oil watching and listening for the bridegroom's party. They also knew it would be any day now at about midnight.

The second way the phrase was used was in reference to Yom Teruah. We know this Feast Day (Leviticus 23) as Rosh Hashana or Feast of Trumpets. This is one of seven feasts instituted by the Lord Himself and the only feast that was to commence on the New Moon, unlike the other feasts that were all on the Full Moon.

In the western world we recognize a New Moon as when it is completely blacked out and near invisible. For the Jew, from the time this Lord's Feast Day was instituted, they understood this New Moon as the first sliver of moon as it appears upon the horizon. As this was the first of the Fall Feasts, the moon would pop up briefly on the horizon just about at sunset before dipping back down. It was very easy to miss this New Moon because of it's visual proximity to the sun before disappearing.

Two witnesses would mount the highest point on the mountain and watch. Because of the timing and the sun's brightness, they might miss it on the first day. This is why No Man Knows the Day or the Hour. Understand this. It's now because it might happen in August or November or even in April because, "No man knows..." as the phrase is abused today. They knew the season, just like the bride, because they had been watching.

Upon sighting the New Moon on one day or the next (which is why it was "the Long Day" and celebrated over two days) the witnesses would light a fire and blow the shofar. They would hurry down the mountain while it is still light and the priest would consecrate their finding.

So imagine if people today were waiting for a Holiday (pick one) and the kids were anxiously awaiting and asking when, but you say, "Meh. No one knows." The kids would be likely to look at you like you just stepped off a spaceship and ask, "What do you mean!?" The disciples did not do this. They understood.

Many Bible teachers hold that, as Jesus during his First Coming fulfilled the first four feasts, the Spring Feasts, right down to the very day (another study) that Jesus will continue this pattern. The next of the Lord's Feast Days on the prophetic calendar is The Feast of Trumpets.

When the bridegroom's party is part-way to the bride's, they can hear the blowing of the shofar and the shouts. The Best Man is shouting, "The bridegroom cometh!" But that shofar they can hear from far off. Then the bride's wedding party does not wait for the bridegroom to make his way all the way to her house. Her party goes out to meet him partway. They meet and go back the the father's house where the festivities are already under way.

During the Feast of Trumpets, the shofar is blown 100 times over a two day period. It is a come-hither blast. But there is a Last Trump (1 Corinthians 15) called the Tekiah Geddolah. It is the final and the longest possible sustained blast of the shofar.

Some hold that because Jesus fulfilled the feasts to the day, Jesus will meet us partway, in the clouds, during the Last Trump of Yom Teruah SOME year. We just do not know which year. Biblically, "No man knows the day or the hour" means you know within DAYS!

So before crying "Heretic!" when a watcher excitedly makes a well-thought guess, try engaging him in a friendly discussion and go through the scriptures with him and weigh his conclusions. But if he is not trying to paint a date on the calendar, but merely highlighting a hopeful date... We can hope. We should hope. If you are not waiting, watching and hoping, check your spiritual pulse. I'd question your love for Christ if you are not anxiously awaiting the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13).

Do not be guilty of throwing out the proverbial baby with the bathwater because some wacky extremist has made a proclamation of a specific date as though it were Gospel. Better to be educated on the signs of which Jesus spoke so that discernment will win the day.

I would maintain that knowing Scripture is like discerning the difference between a false gospel and the real. You don't turn your back on the gospel because someone is proclaiming it and someone lied about it once. You discern according to scripture. Not an equal comparison, but it is my hope you get my meaning.

Be informed, be watchful, be hopeful. And come soon Lord Jesus!

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