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The Coming Greatest Deception

by David Reynolds

It's all about the Multiverse these days to the extent that one would be hard put to name very many recent feature films that do not tout the concept. There are in fact many franchises that utilize the concept as a plot ploy, a cheap two-dollar wrench to get a writer's characters out of trouble; or into trouble. But not only fiction puts forth numerous theories. It could be argued that every major and minor scientific publication is now obligated to address the theory if for no other reason than to quell the wave of inquiry that comes by way of email and raised hands. The theory can be a tempting way to attract audiences for speakers and the selling of books.

I remember back in the 70's when big questions regarding the biblical Great Deception surrounded UFO sightings as a possible explanation for the whereabouts of tens of thousands or optimistically millions of people as a result of The Rapture. Well now, in my humble opinion, we have a new contender to explain disappearance and it can also include aliens: A Multiverse Shift.

How easily a ruse, a deception, could be concocted that folks here on earth have perhaps seen loved ones pulled into an alternate universe where they are alive and doing well, perhaps even better than those still here. Maybe UFO's did it. Maybe the polar shift and concurrent electromagnetic activity caused it, or perhaps the opening between multiverses triggered the polar shift.

There is little denying that most in the world today feel out of sorts, discontent with political corruption, crime, race wars, international wars, downright evil, loveless, brutal, the evil because abortion was halted, the evil because abortion continues, the evil from Trump and Musk, or the evil because people hate Trump and Musk. The lists can go on seemingly forever. The evil because there are too many Christians clinging to their guns and Bibles or the evil because not enough so-called Christians even read a Bible.

Pick your poison.

What we do know is that such conditions were prophesied by Jesus, Paul, Peter and John concerning "the last days." Jesus said we cannot know the day or the hour while at the same time castigating the religious elites of his day for being able to predict the weather and yet not predict the times or the seasons. What is the current season? Something is about to happen and we all can feel it in our bones. John wrote to the faithful church at Philadelphia in the third chapter of Revelation, quoting Jesus, that the faithful would escape the trouble when it comes "upon the whole earth" (his words, not mine). 'ek' in the original Greek, which means removed entirely, not protected in or carried through, but utterly removed.

How is one utterly removed from a whole-earth trouble? Rocket ships so we can die in space? Aliens to take us to a new home or remove malcontents to galactic re-education camps? Maybe a calamitous multiverse shift or portal or something that moves either we or they, here or there (how would one be able to tell?) so that we become separated. In all ways the stage is set, the script has been written, the players are on their marks, the curtain is about to open.

Ready? And... Action!



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